Wizard Tool for Compliance Guidance

The Challenge

The Solution

  • User Research into development team processes revealed multiple pain-points with confusion around compliance items being among the most struggled with.

  • Creation of a Web Application for Compliance Guidance

  • Simple clear interactions and step by step guidance through the tasks required to remain in compliance with company policies

  • Reduction of time for users to launch their product internally and externally


The Process


User Research

I lead research into the pain-points that development teams were running into when trying to launch their products internally and externally.

I conducted multiple interviews with development teams throughout the company, synthesizing the data into various formats including a journey map showing major blockers to the development teams success.

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Business Impact

To ensure that both the users and the businesses needs were met, I worked closely with the product managers and product owner to prioritize the pain-points of the development team.

As a result, The pain-point which was identified to have the greatest impact on the development teams, and the business was providing a tool to alleviate compliance downtime and roadblocks.

Initial Design

Further research was conducted with process owners to identify key compliance requirements within the company.

I conducting a design studio with the end users, to further understand pain-points within compliance, and devise a solution.

Initial designs were inspired by Turbo Tax guidance tools, identifying and walking users through the compliance tasks they were required to do.

User testing was performed often, to quickly resolve any points of confusion for the user


Final Product

I worked closely with the development team, working in React, HTML and CSS, to provide UI design guidance.

The final released product highlighted the key compliance requirements to get development teams off the ground, as well as providing an ordered list of other compliance tasks they would need to complete before launch. Each task included step by step instructions that the team would need to complete.

Development teams were able to reduce time to release by several days within weeks of utilizing the application

If you would like to have a more thorough discussion about this product, please contact me.


Identity Orchestration


Boeing Emerging Tech