I18N and L10N Systems

Every product, at some point needs to be able to reach a multilingual population. With PingOne’s Customers being multinational companies, It was urgent that we provide the capability for our customers to translate their content for the end user.

This was a big new challenge for me, but it was a complex and fun project. There were many discussions with Product and Customer on how they might utilize our string management capabilities.

String Management

The core of the languages capabilities comes from the String Management Service. It is here that most of the translations for both Admin and End User Facing content is stored. I had to ensure that the capabilities of String Management was flexible enough to work with other services such as Agreements, Notifications, and Form Builder. This meant that I needed to create an entire ecosystem, where localized content lived, and account for changes that would be cascaded to other services.


As part of I18N and L10N, Agreements had to be localized into different languages. I paired the list of languages here to ensure that languages the customer had enabled were not missed. Another important feature of this service was the capability to review older revisions of Agreements, and customize the labels for consent.


With Notifications I wanted to ensure the Languages panel was the same, so that the system was familiar across the services. Each language had to have SMS, Email and sometimes Voice translated to be sent to the End Users. The Incomplete Section was important to have to ensure that there was content for every user.

Form Builder

Form Builder was the latest and most complex addition to the languages system. We had to have translations not just for admin content such as labels and fields in the canvas, but also we needed to devise a system for custom content. This allowed Admins to create custom keys that were paired with translations. The keys could then be used throughout a variety of forms without requiring individual editing within the forms.


Platform Solution Experience


Custom Forms